Quest Requirements:
Tomes of the Warlock
Skill/Other Requirements:
85 Necromancy
77 Dungeoneering
Items Needed to Complete Quest:
Combat Equipment | Ghostspeak amulet / Cramulet* |
*Upgraded versions will also work. Additionally, item not needed if you have completed the Hard Morytania Tasks
Items Recommended for Quest:
Ring of kinship | Dungeoneering cape / Dungeoneering master cape |
Items Acquired During Quest:
Lord Yudura's corpse | Greater ritual candles (Remains of the Necrolord) | Basic ghostly ink (Remains of the Necrolord | Regular ghostly ink (Remains of the Necrolord) | ||||
Greater ghostly ink (Remains of the Necrolord) |
Quest Points:
100k Necromancy XP lamp, 50k Dungeoneering XP lamp, 'Necrolord' / 'Necrolady' title, and 2 Treasure Hunter keys
Start Point:
City of Um.
To Start:
Speak to Death.
- Talk to Death. He will yet again let you know that you are ready to learn of another former apprentice of Rasial. This time it is Lord Yudura, of the necrolords of Daemonheim. Accept the quest and he will tell you about the ghosts around Daemonheim.
- Head to Daemonheim and speak with 3 ghosts - Listless dead. If you have not completed the Hard Morytania Tasks, you MUST have the Ghostspeak amulet / Cramulet equipped or you will not be able to talk to them. Their locations are:
- Directly South of the Rewards trader, down the steps near the building.
- West of the Kal'gerion demon dungeon and the Argonite/Katagon mine, quickly accessed with the Dungeoneering cape / Dungeoneering master cape teleport.
- North East side of the Island, by the Marmaros/Gorgonite mine.
Note: Fastest way to Daemonheim is using the teleport option on the Ring of kinship.
- Make sure you have your combat gear, food, potions, and at least 5 free inventory slots, then head back to the entrance of Daemonheim by walking or using the Ring of kinship teleport. Once there you will see Lord Yudura, speak with him. The conversation will begin with him yelling at you for encroaching upon the domain of the necrolords. After some corrections, he'll understand that you are just there to talk and will make a deal with you: information for helping him no longer be just a ghost. You'll passingly agree, and insist no body snatching, then he will take you into a Frozen dungeon.
- Once in the dungeon, inspect Captain Toma's corpse. After some back and forth arguing, Yudura will cast a spell awakening the corpse. Captain Toma will be briefly confused and angry about being woken up, but after explaining the situation to him, he will agree to answer to the best of his abilities. You will learn that Moia killed both men and stole something from the captain. He will only be able to inform you that according to his comrades who have since joined him, he was acting strange as far down as the Furnished floors. Unable to assist farther, he will request being let go. Yudura will begin to demand more answers, but you will remind him of your deal and he will begrudgingly free Captain Toma to rest once more. You will then descend into an Abandoned floor.Note: If you need to leave the dungeon for ANY reason, you can return to Daemonheim and speak with Lord Yudura to continue. You will be returned to the appropriate area.
- Upon arrival you will see 3 corpses on the ground: Andelus, Taevas, and Vengeance. While you can inspect each of them and Yudura will cast the same spell on each in turn, you really only need to speak to Vengeance to proceed. So walk to the body closest to the door you are heading to and have a chat with them.
- Andelus will be confused and want to rest.
- Taevas will be concerned about his sister, another dead-end.
- Vengeance will provide the information Yudura is looking for.
- You and Yudura will continue deeper into the dungeon, finding Lord Yudura's corpse in the Furnished floors. Pick it up and you will tell Yudra that you have held your end of the bargain so he needs to cough up his information. He will insist that it is not something that he can just tell you about, but something he will show you. This will prompt you to continue with him into the Occult floors.
- You will find yourself in the starting room of the dungeon with Yudura and 2 Necrolords. He will mention doing a ritual on his corpse and will tell you to get the ink and candles from the storage room to the West then setup for the ritual in the East room.
- Head West and gather the supplies from the crates. The 3 ink crates are near the Southern door and the candle crate is near the Northern door. Gather at least 4 Greater ritual candles, 12 Basic ghostly ink, 12 Regular ghostly ink, and 6 Greater ghostly ink - Note they can be grabbed as singles or sets of 5 from their respective crates. Any extras grabbed will be destroyed when you leave the dungeon. Once you have the supplies, head to the Ritual room to the East.
- Once in the ritual room, you will need to place the candles on the Light source spots and draw Glyphs in the other spots. You do not need to select the specific Glyphs, it will automatically choose them for you. Once all the candles and Glyphs are added, place the corpse in the Focus object spot at the center.
- With the ritual site ready, return to Yudura and speak with him. He will start the ritual and you will get a cutscene of it.
- Once the ritual is complete, he will look like an edimmu. Speak with him. You will be concerned about his appearance, but he seems happy with his choice and will ask you to join him in the room to the South so he can teach you about Rasial. Before entering this room, ensure you are prepared for combat!
Note: If you are not ready for combat, you can teleport out to get food, armor, and/or weapons. If you do teleport out, return to Daemonheim and speak with Lord Yudura to continue. Once you have continued, head back to the Southern room and speak to Yudura again.
- Enter the room to the South and speak to Yudura, he will be jealous that Rasial picked you to be his apprentice and will try to kill you with the Skeletal trio. Dispatch them quickly. They will have the same protect prayers as a normal Dungeoneering floor so Necromancy is advised though not required. Once they are dead, speak to Yudura once more to trigger another cutscene. During this cutscene Yudura will be confused how a puny mortal could defeat his Skeletal trio (talk about rude) and Rasial will show up. There will be a bit more dialogue where Yudura tries to convince Rasial to take him back, but in the end he kills Yudura like he was an ant. You will then threaten Rasial, who is unfazed and aware that you will be coming for him very soon...
- After Rasial teleports away, head back to Death in the City of Um. You will inform him of all that transpired and confirm that the next target is Rasial himself.
Congratulations, Quest Complete!
After completion of the quest, you will be able to free an additional 14 Listless dead. Doing so will complete the "Draugr Me to Hela" Achievement. This is required for the Master Quest Cape.
Note that the Listless dead do NOT have a dot on the minimap and they have a decent area they can roam. Each one freed will be added to your Well of Souls.
- Just North of the Zephyrium mine
- North of Skaldrun; South of the Novite mine
- Around the Fractite / Promethium mine
- North West of the Daemonheim Castle; Outside, North of the Castle hall rubble and West of the Tunneling equipment repository rooms
- North West along the coast
- North East along the coast; near the Bathus mine
- Around the Marmaros / Gorgonite mine
- Near the Resource Dungeon that teleports you to the Resource Island South of Daemonheim; South of the Shadow Reef boat
- South of the Bathus / Fractite mine
- North of the Bathus / Fractite mine
- North West of the Bathus / Fractite mine; near Spirit 10
- South East of the location the Ring of kinship takes you
- At the the Novite / Kratonium mine
- Around the Chaotic brimstone and Eye of Dagon Excavation site
This Quest Guide was written by Sy Accursed, Robbie07731, and ChathMurrpau. Thanks to 3ter 1 for corrections.
This Quest Guide was entered into the database on Sun, Aug 18, 2024, at 03:43:55 AM by Chath, and it was last updated on Tue, Aug 27, 2024, at 02:41:38 AM by Chath.
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